The inspiration for CBS Television’s Code Black, the riveting hospital drama starring Oscar winner Marcia Gay Harden, this gripping debut documentary from physician Ryan McGarry gives unprecedented access into C-Booth, the Los Angeles County Hospital trauma bay known as the birthplace of emergency medicine. McGarry follows a team of charismatic young doctors-in-training as they balance the ideals that led them to a career in medicine and the realities of saving lives in a complex, overburdened healthcare system. This timely, compelling film brings audiences face to face with the emergency room where “more people have died and more people have been saved than in any other square footage in the United States.”
NYTimes Critic's Pick
“Riveting! Personal, Vital and Revelatory”
Los Angeles Times
“Spellbinding! Vitally Important, Urgent and Fascinating.”
USA Today
“Electrifying, a remarkably candid and kinetic documentary”
Wall Street Journal
“Extraordinary…Illuminating and Powerful”
The Hollywood Reporter
“Leaves you awe-struck! Smart editing and dynamic editing pack a one two punch”
New York Daily News
Winner! Los Angeles Film Festival 2013 - Best Documentary Feature
Winner! Hamptons International Film Festival 2013 - Best Documentary Feature
Winner! Aspen Film Fest 2013 - Audience Award
Winner! Starz Denver Film Festival 2013 - People Choice Award
Bring Your Own Doc: Interview with Director Ryan McGarry
#Reconnection, a short film by Ryan McGarry
Theatrical Trailer