This quirky romantic comedy follows Rose (Greta Gerwig), whose life changes after discovering her husband’s affair. Devastated and reeling, she soon crosses paths with a marooned British teenager (Olly Alexander) in a boarded-up Delaware beach town, and the two begin a peculiar friendship. As they drink their way through town, act out dream scenarios, and get to know each other’s pasts, this eccentric and insightful film illustrates how we navigate change and loneliness, for better and worse.
“A convincingly tender drama thanks to the presence of star Greta Gerwig.”
The Hollywood Reporter
“Beautifully photographed, "The Dish & the Spoon" is awash in images of rain-soaked streets and gray wintry skies.”
Stephen Holden
The New York Times
“For once, an American indie's muted modesty at least makes emotional sense, suiting a bittersweet romance that, by nature, has neither a name nor a future.”
Eric Hynes
Village Voice
“Moody two-hander takes full advantage of its melancholy Delaware setting.” ... “Gerwig’s rising star power could lure auds to this almost fairy tale-like reverie, a distinctly feminine twist on mumblecore minimalism.”
Ronnie Scheib