A decade after The Story of Film: An Odyssey, an expansive and influential inquiry into the state of moviemaking in the 20th century, filmmaker Mark Cousins returns with an epic and hopeful tale of cinematic innovation from around the globe. In The Story of Film: A New Generation, Cousins turns his sharp, meticulously honed gaze on world cinema from 2010 to 2021, using a surprising range of works — including Frozen, The Babadook, and Cemetery of Splendour — as launchpads to explore recurring themes and emerging motifs, from the evolution of film language, to technology’s role in moviemaking today, to shifting identities in 21st-century world cinema. Touching on everything from Parasite and The Farewell to Black Panther and Lover’s Rock, Cousins seeks out films, filmmakers and communities under-represented in traditional film histories, with a particular emphasis on Asian and Middle Eastern works, as well as boundary-pushing documentaries and films that see gender in new ways. And as the recent pandemic recedes, Cousins ponders what comes next in the streaming age: how have we changed as cinephiles, and how moviegoing will continue to transform in the digital century, to our collective joy and wonder.
“This is an unashamed celebration of cinema as an art-form: Cousins is an aesthete.”
Peter Bradshaw
“And for those who appreciate the director's wide-eyed and open-hearted way of looking at cinema, the documentary is brimming with clips sure to expand their horizons.”
Peter Debruge
“What sets it soaring is the discerning guide at its helm, one whose curatorial exultation and rigor are also calming, reassuring - a welcome voice in cacophonous times.”
Sheri Linden
The Hollywood Reporter